19 Apr Design Thinking leads to a think tank on mobility
Design Thinking provides concrete solutions to complex issues such as Urban Mobility through a corporate co-creation approach.

By bringing together companies from different business sectors, each bringing its corporate culture and broad mobility expertise, it has been possible to capitalize on the experience and service offerings of each of them, to define value propositions that will be translated in the coming months into a value-added services proposal.
Corporate support was provided by Just in Time Management for
- understanding and sharing of each company’s strategic goals for mobility
- assistance in the selection of program participants
- (in) training of program participants
- validation of the outcome of the Design Thinking approach in relation to the strategic objectives of each company
For more information on the Design Thinking process, contact thierry.janssen@jitm.eu or call him on +32 478 98 33 61
MobiHub is an initiative of Accenture Digital, Just in Time Management and Seed Factory, of which JiTM was the project lead.
As one of the outcome of the MobiHub Ideation Lab, the Kaolift project (www.koalift.com) is now ready for scalability as several MVP’s and tests have confirmed strong market tractions and booked first contracts within the education and sport communities.
Koalift’s smart business model is generating impressive sustainable profitability and cash-flows from the mobility eco-system.
Considering (co-)investing ? Feel free to contact Thibault Piraux, CEO & Co-founder (thibaut@koalift.com – 0479/33 04 34)
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